
Please do not filter yourself! You are among the last of the true vocal editors and truth tellers.

On the WAPO front, Kate Graham must be rolling in her grave. She would never have let this happen on her watch and neither would you. Keep 'em coming, Chief!

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Kamala doesn't have to compete. Trump and his acolytes said everything that needed to be said in Madison Square Garden. It's pretty clear where he and his crowd are coming from. Now, it's up to the American public to decide which direction to take the country. As Machiavelli put it, a crisis that forces a society to reconfirm its values can be a positive thing. If the wisdom of crowds fails--well, that society ends, and it is time to move on. This election is pretty much a pass/fail test for the American public.

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Amen and so agree. Thank you! Meanwhile, from this morning's Bulwark and Bill Krystal: "If Trump wins, we’re entering uncharted territory where private actors with vast wealth and power join with a corrupt president to pursue their own ends and not those of the people of the United States. Welcome to oligarchy, American style."

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So right. Oligarchy is rampant and have too much funny to be able to fight it.

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With just one week to go till the upcoming election, people seem to be going quite mad. It used to be that candidates would have to come closer to the center, become more moderate, in order to be electable.

But that is no longer the case. Extreme partisanship is now the norm. And that has a two-fold effect:

(1) It disincentivizes compromise on any issue

(2) It alienates a huge segment of voters who (rightfully) believe that political leaders are no longer interested in governance, they’re interested not so much in winning as preventing the other side from winning (subtle distinction) because they typically dislike the other side more than they like their own side.

In other words, it’s a toxic mess.

My own thought is that when the dust has settled around the current election, the Big Story is gonna be the number of people who did not vote, who couldn’t stand to vote, who have tuned out politics because increasingly, politicians aren’t attending to people’s actual needs.

I have a feeling that self-disenfranchisement will be most pronounced in the young: GenZ is gonna sit this election out.

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So many bullseyes here. Poor Meghan Markle. Broken on the wheel of her inauthenticity.

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Nothing could entice me to watch the MSG Trumpster circus. I read a couple of headlines and CBS morn snippets (Gail, Tony and smooth Nate ) I’ve attempted to calm my mind. My antenna broadcast. Trump wins. I gave up smoking premier weed in 1969. It’s about time. They’ve all come to look for America …….

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A wise strategy !

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Meghan Markle wants her PRIVACY!

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