I know it exposes me for the terrible lout that I am, but I can't thank you enough for that tiny little video showing Trump take one on his tiny little chin.
Thanks for holding up the British PM, which put me in mind of the times the British, recently bereft of Empire, nonetheless stood upon their shores vowing to fight to the last man an woman to defend them from the advancing hordes. We need that kind of clear vision, heroism and determination today, as they did then. I'm raising a glass to those who fought fascism then, and those who are and will continue to fight it now.
You bet he didnt. Winston Churchill wore his " siren suit" rompers to indicate at war when he met Eisenhower. The King would have been much more horrified by Vance and Trump's ten feet red ties.
“Oh. Poor Zelensky.” “He was bullied and overwhelmed and disgraced”. I hear from friends and some neighbors . Appears they weren’t viewing the same “movie” as I. People forget Zelenskyy was an actor . He played the scene with reserve while pushing buttons with arrogant expressions and a history Putin lesson . IF Trump and VP pre choreographed the dance. It fell flat on their faces. Donald holds the cards? Nah ! Zelensky holds the Trump card.
The cable coverage of this shameful spectacle repeatedly rolled the tape of the Orange Menace welcoming a gaunt and sleep-deprived Zelensky with a surly joking/not joking disapproval of the Ukrainian leader’s wartime apparel - just to get things off on the wrong foot. As you correctly point out, everything about the Orange Menace’s approach is based on personal interactions and perceptions (real or imagined). “Putin and I went through a lot together. He likes me. He respects me. Kim Jong-Un wrote a beautiful love letter to me. Xi and I get along.” Time after time, he demonstrates that he is a wounded adolescent, not a serious adult. He might as well be sitting down to lunch in a middle school cafeteria with the other mean girls. Be nice to me, don’t contradict me or ask me any hard questions and I’ll let you sit at my table. If you want to insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico in your style guide, I will banish you to the loser’s table.
Where do you come down on the question of whether this latest, sorry chapter in the Oval Office Chronicles was a premeditated ambush initiated by JD Weasel or just another organic temper tantrum?
Arguing against a planned attack is the notion that the Dear Leader wanted to get his shakedown money, thus motivating him to get the extortion contract signed after lunch. The spray went on forever and Trumpanus Maximus got increasingly agitated, as toddlers often do when asked to sit still for too long. Supporting the idea of subterfuge and setup is the work of the VP who is continuing his campaign against the old European order in service perhaps of the Christian Nationalists who seem to be calling the Project 2025 shots. Is Vance a plotter who deliberately ignited the boss’s sputtering rage? If they weren’t out to create damaging television theater why not just shut down the spray and adjourn to rosemary chicken?
In the meantime, I’m delighting in the video of Republicans getting a slapdown of their own in town hall meetings back home. The best weapon against the Chumpites is their own incompetence. Bring on the midterms!
I tend to think it was gamed out, with the Maga journo plant to ask the suit question, and Vance undoubtedly amping Trump's rage index. I think they want to bully Z out of office and will fail.
PS: Will someone not rid me of this meddlesome war hero. I labor to get my hands on Hunter’s laptop and he resists my perfect phone call. I nobly undertake cease fire talks and he rudely stands in the way of my Nobel Peace Prize.
Interesting. Almost every analyst is landing there. Good point about max coverage. And then there’s the apparent presence of TASS which is a nice direct line to the boss in Moscow. But watching the full clip, I’m struck by how Chump’s anger seems to build gradually. I guess I’m naive - which is inexcusable at my advanced age.
Thank you for this. I so need a voice of reason when my head feels like it's about to explode. One small thing though... With the greatest respect, can you toss in a lot more paragraph breaks? There is a reason why newspaper stories have so many, as you know xxx
Not a fan of the shooting season across the pond with royals or on television in the Whiteout House with failed mob wannabe weakarm greed head wankers like DT and MAGGAT #1 Vance, with little Marco rising to #2 but thanks for the nickel plated tour and old school love 4 the Brits nostalgia and scenic regurgitation.
The responsibility for apologizing should surely fall on both sides, considering how relentlessly Trump and Vance hectored Zelensky—mutual apologies are called for.
Terrific. Just listened to The Vanity Fair Diaries. From what I learned, I would say your choice of photo of Zelensky and King Charles at the end was spot on! 🤗
Nice mention and visit on Morning Joe. Joe LOVES to hear himself talk & I find myself muting the tv or changing channels frequently, but glad I caught Tina’s appearance.
I know it exposes me for the terrible lout that I am, but I can't thank you enough for that tiny little video showing Trump take one on his tiny little chin.
Isn't that just the Best!!
How we yearn for it! T
wasnt it great., One can but dream T
Thanks for holding up the British PM, which put me in mind of the times the British, recently bereft of Empire, nonetheless stood upon their shores vowing to fight to the last man an woman to defend them from the advancing hordes. We need that kind of clear vision, heroism and determination today, as they did then. I'm raising a glass to those who fought fascism then, and those who are and will continue to fight it now.
Yes, so well said, Leigh. We know heroism when we see it. We also know Cowardice when we see it, i.e. Trump and Vance. Those Pathetic Losers.
cowardice is contagious one realizes.
We may have to find those heros again, ,the way things are going. T
So probably Charles didn't ask Volodymyr why he wasn't wearing a suit.
You bet he didnt. Winston Churchill wore his " siren suit" rompers to indicate at war when he met Eisenhower. The King would have been much more horrified by Vance and Trump's ten feet red ties.
“Oh. Poor Zelensky.” “He was bullied and overwhelmed and disgraced”. I hear from friends and some neighbors . Appears they weren’t viewing the same “movie” as I. People forget Zelenskyy was an actor . He played the scene with reserve while pushing buttons with arrogant expressions and a history Putin lesson . IF Trump and VP pre choreographed the dance. It fell flat on their faces. Donald holds the cards? Nah ! Zelensky holds the Trump card.
Yea, they always understimate him because he's small - but mighty! T
Another Tina ace!
Gracias big time! T
The cable coverage of this shameful spectacle repeatedly rolled the tape of the Orange Menace welcoming a gaunt and sleep-deprived Zelensky with a surly joking/not joking disapproval of the Ukrainian leader’s wartime apparel - just to get things off on the wrong foot. As you correctly point out, everything about the Orange Menace’s approach is based on personal interactions and perceptions (real or imagined). “Putin and I went through a lot together. He likes me. He respects me. Kim Jong-Un wrote a beautiful love letter to me. Xi and I get along.” Time after time, he demonstrates that he is a wounded adolescent, not a serious adult. He might as well be sitting down to lunch in a middle school cafeteria with the other mean girls. Be nice to me, don’t contradict me or ask me any hard questions and I’ll let you sit at my table. If you want to insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico in your style guide, I will banish you to the loser’s table.
Where do you come down on the question of whether this latest, sorry chapter in the Oval Office Chronicles was a premeditated ambush initiated by JD Weasel or just another organic temper tantrum?
Arguing against a planned attack is the notion that the Dear Leader wanted to get his shakedown money, thus motivating him to get the extortion contract signed after lunch. The spray went on forever and Trumpanus Maximus got increasingly agitated, as toddlers often do when asked to sit still for too long. Supporting the idea of subterfuge and setup is the work of the VP who is continuing his campaign against the old European order in service perhaps of the Christian Nationalists who seem to be calling the Project 2025 shots. Is Vance a plotter who deliberately ignited the boss’s sputtering rage? If they weren’t out to create damaging television theater why not just shut down the spray and adjourn to rosemary chicken?
In the meantime, I’m delighting in the video of Republicans getting a slapdown of their own in town hall meetings back home. The best weapon against the Chumpites is their own incompetence. Bring on the midterms!
I tend to think it was gamed out, with the Maga journo plant to ask the suit question, and Vance undoubtedly amping Trump's rage index. I think they want to bully Z out of office and will fail.
PS: Will someone not rid me of this meddlesome war hero. I labor to get my hands on Hunter’s laptop and he resists my perfect phone call. I nobly undertake cease fire talks and he rudely stands in the way of my Nobel Peace Prize.
Interesting. Almost every analyst is landing there. Good point about max coverage. And then there’s the apparent presence of TASS which is a nice direct line to the boss in Moscow. But watching the full clip, I’m struck by how Chump’s anger seems to build gradually. I guess I’m naive - which is inexcusable at my advanced age.
Iago---"put but money in thy purse" and to hell with reputation.
You have J. Alfred Trump pinned and wriggling.
ooh thats good.
Gracias !! So glad you liked
Brilliant, Tina. Love it. You go, girl. . . .
Manay thanks for the encouragement! T
We’re very much in the UFC period of American History. A punch to the kisser would be great TV.
we can only dream
Thank you for this. I so need a voice of reason when my head feels like it's about to explode. One small thing though... With the greatest respect, can you toss in a lot more paragraph breaks? There is a reason why newspaper stories have so many, as you know xxx
will try to add more. U are right!
Not a fan of the shooting season across the pond with royals or on television in the Whiteout House with failed mob wannabe weakarm greed head wankers like DT and MAGGAT #1 Vance, with little Marco rising to #2 but thanks for the nickel plated tour and old school love 4 the Brits nostalgia and scenic regurgitation.
Trump turns me into a re-made anglophile I am afraid
The dissonant, non-sequitur nature of the slap-down gave the game away. Trump and JDV were going to deliver it, whatever.
agree. All pre gamed IMHO
JD Vance should be put back in his "holler " and be made to stay there. Marco Rubio: Que verguenza ! What is he doing with this class of people?
They are the worst circle of swamp creatures imaginable
Love you, Tina. Couldn't agree more.
The responsibility for apologizing should surely fall on both sides, considering how relentlessly Trump and Vance hectored Zelensky—mutual apologies are called for.
What does President Zelenskyy have to apologize for???
absolutely nothing. Pure gaslighting
You will get one from Meghan Markel before Trump and Vance! Z is being made to eat crow for doing nothing wrong at all
Terrific. Just listened to The Vanity Fair Diaries. From what I learned, I would say your choice of photo of Zelensky and King Charles at the end was spot on! 🤗
Nice mention and visit on Morning Joe. Joe LOVES to hear himself talk & I find myself muting the tv or changing channels frequently, but glad I caught Tina’s appearance.
Makes it worth getting up at that ungodly time to get to the studio! thx